So far, great headphones!

The headphones sound wonderful, full response, and a nice mix of lows and his. They can take a bit of time to put into your ear. Not as simple as putting on/in a "normal" pair of headphones, but once they are in you do not want to take them out. I have had no problem what so ever with them not fitting securely. You may need to find your right tip size for maximum ear comfort, but the headphones come with several tips for you to do this.

These headphones are a bit expensive, but it is my hope that they will last me several years. I love that the main cord can be replaced!! In fact, that is why I went with these headphones.

Comparing the two, Shure e4c and ultimate ears, I think the ultimate ears sound slightly better, seems like the lows come out better and the his and mids are about equal (best I can tell). I think the lows come out better because the ultimate ears are bigger compared with the Shures, thus allowing more lows (just a guess). All in all I am happy with ultimate ears, they are also a great headphone and better sounding then the Shures. My only hope is that they last a long time! If the cord does go it will be a cinch to replace (and 20.00 later). Here is hoping I don't need to find out about ultimate ears customer service.

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