Sony MDR-7509HD Professional Headphone Review  

Posted by nipatr_nvb in , , ,

MDR-7509 HD vs MDR-7509

Ok so when I saw the MDR 7509 had been redesigned I got all antsy about what I was missing. So when recently buying more cans for studio and CHiPOD use I looked into a few pairs of MDR-7505 phones. The salesman also had some very well priced new MDR-7509HD sets which I picked up on a pure whim.

So I get home and break out the 7505 sets to compare and start with the let down...No such let down came. The 7505 sets although smaller perform extremely well when compared to the old 7509 series.

Then came head to head tests between HD and Previous series 7509's. I must say the low end on the HD set is compromised to clarify their "better Midrange response". I found them more annoying for long sessions of monitoring...I prefer less high end in my sound and a more subdued midrange. Thats just my own preference.The old 7509 series is bassier if that's what tickles your fancy. It certainly does it for me. So I personally prefer the old series and the 7505 set to the HD series. Sorry to disappoint.

This now bring the question...Which of the 7509's are more colored and which are flat? So much for industry standards.

If you are getting them because of the 80 KHz response you won't hear it unless you're a dog eared human being.Typical hearing in a Human is commonly between 15Hz and 20 KHz.

This being said they are great phones but if you get a chance compare both sets before buying and see which you like best. For me they are no loss as I can use them for monitoring and recording with other musicians in studio.Happy shopping and always trust your own ears not someone's reviews. we all hear differently

This entry was posted on Monday, December 29, 2008 at Monday, December 29, 2008 and is filed under , , , . You can follow any responses to this entry through the comments feed .


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