They were good.

I liked these allot the sound is great and they are comfy as they are cloth cups instead of leather/vinyl on most other models and they provide a full surround sound with more highs.

I have the 780's which are NOT the proline and are about $150 cheaper and to me look better as well, not a real issue since I wouldn't be wearing these on the streets.

The 780's appear better made. The 750's come with two cords of which plug into the left headphone and it has a great case for storage but the sound of the 780's was fuller, richer and live like.

I tested each and for me the lessor model was better but hearing is very different to each person as well as the styles of music you listen to, or movies and gaming as well. As always amazon is great in all they do, at least in my 500 purchases over the past few years. I returnd the more expensive ones and kept the 780's and some extra cash too.

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